================= API Documentation ================= .. testsetup:: import vanilla h = vanilla.Hub() Hub === .. autoclass:: vanilla.core.Hub Concurrency ----------- .. automethod:: vanilla.core.Hub.spawn .. automethod:: vanilla.core.Hub.spawn_later .. automethod:: vanilla.core.Hub.sleep Message Passing --------------- .. automethod:: vanilla.core.Hub.pipe .. automethod:: vanilla.core.Hub.select .. automethod:: vanilla.core.Hub.dealer .. automethod:: vanilla.core.Hub.router .. automethod:: vanilla.core.Hub.queue .. automethod:: vanilla.core.Hub.channel .. automethod:: vanilla.core.Hub.state Pipe Conveniences ----------------- .. automethod:: vanilla.core.Hub.producer .. automethod:: vanilla.core.Hub.pulse Thread ------ .. py:method:: Hub.thread.spawn(f, *a) - Spawns callable *f* in a new thread. A new Hub is initialized for the thread and passed to *f* along with arguments *a* - A *parent* attribute is available on the new thread's Hub which is a `Pipe`_ to communicate with it's parent thread - spawn returns a `Pipe`_ to communicate with the new child thread Example usage:: def ticker(h, n): import time while true: h.parent.send(time.time()) time.sleep(n) h = vanilla.Hub() child = h.thread.spawn(ticker, 1) while true: child.recv() .. py:method:: Hub.thread.call(f, *a) - Spawns a one-off thread to run callable *f* with arguments *a* - Returns a `Recver`_ which can be recv'd on to get *f*'s result Example usage:: def add(a, b): return a + b h = vanilla.Hub() h.thread.call(add, 2, 3).recv() # 5 .. py:method:: Hub.thread.pool(size) - Returns a reusable pool of *size* threads Pool ~~~~ .. py:method:: Thread.Pool.call(f, *a) - Runs callable *f* with arguments *a* on one of the pool's threads - Returns a `Recver`_ which can be recv'd on to get *f*'s result Example usage:: h = vanilla.Hub() def sleeper(x): time.sleep(x) return x p = h.thread.pool(2) gather = h.router() p.call(sleeper, 0.2).pipe(gather) p.call(sleeper, 0.1).pipe(gather) p.call(sleeper, 0.05).pipe(gather) gather.recv() # 0.1 gather.recv() # 0.05 gather.recv() # 0.2 .. py:method:: Thread.Pool.wrap(ob) - Wraps *ob* with a proxy which will delegate method calls on *ob* to run on the pool's threads - Each method call on the proxy returns a `Recver`_ which can be recv'd on the get the calls result Example usage:: h = vanilla.Hub() p = h.thread.pool(2) db = pymongo.MongoClient()['database'] db = p.wrap(db) response = db.posts.find_one({"author": "Mike"}) response.recv() Process ------- .. py:method:: Hub.process.execv(args, env=None, stderrtoout=False) - Forks a child process using args. - *env* is an optional dictionary of environment variables which will replace the parent's environment for the child process. If not supplied the child will have access to the parent's environment. - if *stderrtoout* is *True* the child's stderr will be redirected to its stdout. - A `Child`_ object is return to interact with the child process. Example usage:: h = vanilla.Hub() child = h.process.execv( ['/usr/bin/env', 'grep', '--line-buffered', 'foo']) child.stdin.send('foo1\n') child.stdout.recv_partition('\n') # foo1 child.stdin.send('bar1\n') child.stdout.recv_partition('\n') # would hang forever child.stdin.send('foo2\n') child.stdout.recv_partition('\n') # foo2 child.terminate() child.done.recv() Child ~~~~~ .. py:attribute:: Child.stdin A `Sender`_ which allows you to send data to the child's stdin. .. py:attribute:: Child.stdout A `Stream`_ recver which allows you to receive data from the child's stdout. .. py:attribute:: Child.stderr A `Stream`_ recver which allows you to receive data from the child's stderr. Only available if *stderrtoout* is *False*. .. py:attribute:: Child.done A `State`_ that will be set once the child terminates. .. py:method:: Child.terminate() Sends the child a SIGTERM. .. py:method:: Child.signal(signum) Sends the child *signum*. TCP --- .. py:method:: Hub.tcp.listen(port=0, host='') Listens for TCP connections on *host* and *port*. If *port* is 0, it will listen on a randomly available port. Returns a `Recver`_ which dispenses TCP connections:: h = vanilla.Hub() server = h.tcp.listen() @server.consume def echo(conn): for date in conn.recver: conn.send('Echo: ' + data) The Recver returned has an additional attribute *port* which is the port that was bound to. .. py:method:: Hub.tcp.connect(port, host='') Creates a TCP connection to *host* and *port* and returns a `Pair`_ of a `Sender`_ and `Stream`_ receiver. HTTP ---- HTTPServer ~~~~~~~~~~ .. py:method:: Hub.http.listen(port=0, host='') - Listens for HTTP connections on *host* and *port*. If *port* is 0, it will listen on a randomly available port. - Returns a `Recver`_ which dispenses HTTP connections. - These HTTP connections are a `Recver`_ which dispense `HTTPRequest`_. Note that if this is a Keep-Alive connection, it can dispense more than one `HTTPRequest`_. An example server:: import vanilla h = vanilla.Hub() def handle_connection(conn): for request in conn: request.reply(vanilla.http.Status(200), {}, "Hello") server = h.http.listen(8080) for conn in server: h.spawn(handle_connection, conn) HTTPRequest ~~~~~~~~~~~ A HTTP Request is a namedtuple with the following ordered items / attributes: .. py:attribute:: Request.method The HTTP request method e.g. 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', ... .. py:attribute:: Request.path The path requested .. py:attribute:: Request.version The HTTP version of the request .. py:attribute:: Request.headers A dictionary like interface to HTTP request headers. Keys are case insensitive. .. py:attribute:: Request.body A `Recver`_ which yields the request's body. If the Transfer-Encoding is chunked the entire body could be yielded over a period of time with successive receives. A HTTP Request also has three methods: .. py:method:: Request.consume() Blocks until the entire request body has been received and returns it as a single string. .. py:method:: Request.json() Convenience to consume the entire request body, and json decode it. .. py:attribute:: Request.form A convenience to access form url encoded data as a dictionary. The form data is available as a key, value mappings. If a key is in the form more than once, only it's last value will be available. .. py:attribute:: Request.form_multi A convenience to access form url encoded data as a dictionary. The form data is available as a key, list of values mappings. .. py:method:: Request.reply(status, headers, body) Initiates a reply to this HTTP request. *status* is a tuple of (HTTP Code, message), for example (200, 'OK'). *headers* is a dictionary like interface to the HTTP headers to respond with. *body* can either be a string, in which case this response will be completed immediately. Otherwise, *body* can be a `Recver`_ which can have a series of strings sent, before being closed to indicated the response has completed. There's no need to set Content-Length or Transfer-Encoding in the response headers, this will be inferred depending on whether *body* is a string or a `Recver`_. .. py:method:: Request.upgrade() If this is a request to establish a `Websocket`_, the server can call this method to upgrade this connection. This method returns a `Websocket`_, and this connection can no longer be used as a HTTP connection. .. py:method:: Hub.http.connect(port, host='') Establishes a `HTTPClient`_ connection to *host* and *port* and requests a HTTP client connection. Note that if supported, this connection will be a Keep-Alive and multiple requests can be made over the same connection. An example server with chunked transfer:: import vanilla h = vanilla.Hub() serve = h.http.listen() client = h.http.connect('http://localhost:%s' % serve.port) response = client.get('/') conn = serve.recv() # recvs http connection request = conn.recv() # recvs http request + headers sender, recver = h.pipe() request.reply(vanilla.http.Status(200), {}, recver) response = response.recv() # recvs the response + headers, but not the body sender.send('oh') print response.body.recv() # 'oh' sender.send('hai') print response.body.recv() # 'hai' sender.close() print response.body.recv() # raises Closed HTTPClient ~~~~~~~~~~ .. autoclass:: vanilla.http.HTTPClient() :members: request, get, post, put, delete, websocket :undoc-members: Message Passing Primitives ========================== Pair ---- .. autoclass:: vanilla.message.Pair :members: send, recv, pipe, map, consume, close Sender ------ .. autoclass:: vanilla.message.Sender :members: send Recver ------ .. autoclass:: vanilla.message.Recver :members: Pipe ---- .. autoclass:: vanilla.message.Pipe Dealer ------ .. autoclass:: vanilla.message.Dealer Router ------ .. autoclass:: vanilla.message.Router Queue ----- .. automethod:: vanilla.message.Queue Stream ------ .. autoclass:: vanilla.message.Stream .. autoclass:: vanilla.message::Stream.Recver :members: State ----- .. automethod:: vanilla.message.State